Jeanne McCallum Architect


Octavia Boulevard - Mixed Use

This mixed-use project has four distinct sections that respond to the local fabric & scale of the existing neighborhood.  It reflects in a modern interpretation the character, diversity & vibrancy of it’s surroundings.





San Francisco, CA

The local fabric of the
neighborhood inspired the design solution for the 40,000 sq. ft. mixed use/ affordable housing structure
on the corner of Hayes & Octavia Boulevard. Issues of scale were addressed by breaking the project into smaller portions, four distinct volumes each with a different character.  Each volume reflects
the context (with a modern interpretation) and personality of
the facing street elevations: Hayes, Octavio Boulevard & Linden. Courtyards & a roof deck provide usable outdoor space and create activity nodes to connect the adjoining infrastructure.

1140 A Green Street • San Francisco, CA 94109 • 415.440.6507