Jeanne McCallum Architect




Each project not only grows from an understanding  of the needs of the client, but also the qualities of the site and the cultural context of the project. The union of these various aspects of a project develop into distinctive architectural statements.



We actively involve the client at every step of the design process
and throughout each phase of the project.

We explore & present our designs through a series of sketches and models. As they change and evolve they become more formalized as
the initial conceptual ideas are integrated with the pragmatic aspects of the site, the client program, budget, code and zoning requirements and the structural feasibility of the project.

Each project embodies a poetic quality achieved through the skillful use of form, light & material.  Just
as important is the experience as one moves through the space, how
it unfolds, the sequence of events, what it reveals - the views, the indoor/outdoor relationships and
the elements of surprise.



treat studio




1140 A Green Street • San Francisco, CA 94109 • 415.440.6507