Jeanne McCallum Architect



Nintenth Street Live/Work

This five story structure consists of three interlocking volumes. Each separate work/live space is clad with a different material to individuate each unit.





San Diego, CA

The project is a 4000 sq. ft. five
story building containing three live/work units. It is located in an industrial section of downtown San Diego.  The vacant site is flanked
by industrial structures to the north
& south, to the west is the freeway (Interstate 5).  The site was problematic due to its limited size. The pragmatic issues in regard to parking, fire exiting stairs and a number of other zoning requirements including elevation setback variations and usable outdoor space inspired the design
of a complex puzzle-like
interlocking structure of three volumes.

Each volume is clad with a different material to reflect the individual character of each unit. The exterior steel fire stairs become sculptural components of the overall composition as they interact and contrast with these three forms.

The roof decks, views and light all become important design
elements. Views to Balboa Park,
the San Diego Bay & downtown vistas are accentuated.  Roof
decks provide outdoor living areas.  Window fenestrations and floor openings within each unit allow
light to infiltrate the spaces.

1140 A Green Street • San Francisco, CA 94109 • 415.440.6507